Mr. Ajay Sinha, CEO, Feedback Foundation was invited as a keynote speaker in the “Sensitization Training Programme on United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, 2030”, organized by Mahatma Gandhi State Institute of Public Administration, Chandigarh (MGSIPA) in collaboration with National Foundation for India, New Delhi on 4th December, 2018.MGSIPA is a premiere Institute of Punjab for providing training and other allied activities for enrichment of human resources. Mr. Sinha chairedthe session on ‘Clean Water and Sanitation (SDG Goal 6)’ and elaborated on the status of global water and sanitation conditions, targets of SDG6, relevance and current status in India. He also spoke about the influence of Community Approaches to Sanitation on SDG 6.The programme was conducted for the officers of Punjab at the Convention Centre of MGSIPA.