The Government of Madhya Pradesh has launched an initiative under the ‘Swachhata Samagra’ program, where representatives from lagging Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) are sent to more progressive ULBs for hands-on training and exposure visits. This initiative, led by the Directorate of Urban Administration and Development, Bhopal, aims to enhance the cleanliness scenario and improve the Swachh Survekshan ranking of ULBs in Madhya Pradesh.

These initiatives include comprehensive training programs and exposure visits for Chief Municipal Officers, Engineers, Sanitation Nodal Officers, and Sanitation Inspectors. Representatives from 311 ULBs will visit 14 host ULBs to observe and learn from successful cleanliness efforts. Notably, our 3 project sites viz. Budni Nagar Parishad, Nagar Palika Parishad Gohad, and Nagar Palika Parishad Dhanpuri are amongst the ULBs selected for these training programs.

The Feedback Foundation facilitated 2-day training programs at these 3 sites, which included both classroom sessions and exposure visits. The training in Budni was led by Mr. Ajay Sinha, CEO of Feedback Foundation, in Dhanpuri by Mr. Lakhvinder, Cluster Lead for Madhya Pradesh, and in Gohad by Mr. Bharat Kant Dwivedi, Project Manager of the integrated decentralized solid waste management project at Nagar Palika Parishad Gohad.

The training programs covered essential topics such as Solid Waste Management Rules 2016 and its associated rules, source segregation, waste reduction initiatives like in-situ composting and the ban on single-use plastic, collection and transportation of segregated waste to processing facilities, processing and treatment of solid waste, management of processing units, removal of garbage vulnerable points [GVPs] etc. These sessions provided detailed training, knowledge-sharing activities, and hands-on learning experiences to ensure that urban bodies are well-prepared for Swachh Survekshan 2024. The participants found the training programs to be an eye-opener, and they are eager to implement these best practices in their respective ULBs, promising a significant improvement in cleanliness and waste management across Madhya Pradesh.