Feedback Foundation facilitated a 1-Day Participatory Workshop on ODF (Open Defecation Free) Sustainability at Hotel Aketa, Dehradun on 11th January, 2019 with support from Tata Trusts. Rural Uttarakhand had been declared as Open Defecation Free (ODF) in June 2017. It has been observed in many instances that villages/blocks which were declared ODF had experienced a significant number of slippages in ODF behavior, the state of Uttarakhand, therefore, feels the need to focus on ODF sustainability. To provide the sustainability initiative a firm push and to learn from different initiatives undertaken in this regard, this workshop was organized to brainstorm, orient and sensitize all necessary stakeholders on the need and strategy to sustain the ODF status and draw a road map for such initiative. There were 42 participants in the workshop including State Lead -WASH, State Coordinator-SBM (G), Director-Swajal, District officials, Engineering consultants, Environmental Specialists, Community Development Specialists, Health and Hygiene Specialists, Project Associates, Gram Pradhan, and representatives from NGOs.