Feedback Foundation (FF) is providing technical support to Bisalpur Nagar Palika Parishad (NPP), Uttar Pradesh in conducting Information, Education and Communication (IEC) activities for citizen mobilization towards Integrated Solid Waste Management in 25 Wards of Bisalpur NPP using the ‘No Open Waste’ [NOW] Approach. As part of this intervention, on 10 th September 2019, students of Kasturba Gandhi Girls Residential School were triggered on Solid Waste Management (SWM). FF team sensitized the students and teachers on the growing issue of municipal solid waste and various methods of managing waste. Students were motivated to reduce impact on environment by reducing waste at source. Importance of segregation of waste at source was also shared and they were motivated to use separate bins for wet, dry, domestic bio-medical and domestic hazardous waste. Following triggering, planning was also done for in-situ composting of bio-degradable waste in the school complex. Everyone present then took an oath to start at-source segregation of waste and also to motivate their family members and neighbours so that they can together make Bisalpur a Clean City. A rally was also conducted to sensitize the citizens on segregation of waste at source.