Feedback Foundation (FF) is providing technical support to the Government of Karnataka for Institutionalizing Sustainable Operation and Maintenance of Drinking Water Supply Scheme in Rural Karnataka through a community-based approach. The project comprises of 2 components: Training and Capacity Building, and Handholding Support. Under the first component, 4-days training program were conducted in 3 districts i.e., Gagad, Haveri, and Dharwad. 175 participants including 48 GP presidents learnt about the approaches to O&M schemes for safety and water quality in these training programs. Their skills were enhanced through hands on-field practice, community management, etc. The second component, of handholding support involved parameters like- VWSC strengthening, Water metering and monitoring, Operation and Maintenance, 24/7 water supply service delivery, grey water management, Water quality and Inclusion of marginalized Communities. This project is supported by the World Bank Group.