A one-day workshop on Solid Waste Management in rural areas, has been facilitated by Mr. Ajay Sinha, CEO, Feedback Foundation Charitable Trust (FFCT), Gurugram, for state and district level functionaries of department of water supply and sanitation on 5 th March 2021 at Mahatma Gandhi State Institute of Public Administration [MGSIPA], Chandigarh. The objective of the workshop was to hone the capacity of officials and sanitation staff of the Department of Water Supply and Sanitation [DWSS], Punjab, on various aspects of solid waste management, plastic waste management, e-waste management, biomedical waste management, C&D Waste Management, Faecal Sludge and Septage Management. Mr. Sinha addressed the participants through a participative approach focusing on behavior change communication and experiential learning. The workshop was very enlightening and an eye-opener for all the participants in the workshop.