Feedback Foundation implements its R&R initiatives through community engagement in the backdrop of development activities that are aimed towards improving the lives of the land owners, thereby ensuring resultant benefits for the corporate. Feedback Foundation also ensures that the R&R processes are efficient, seamless and sustainable, leading to a win-win solution for all the stakeholders involved, and it is different from the conventional approach.
Feedback Foundation undertakes situational assessment studies by building rapport with the stakeholders through consultative meetings and participatory social assessment and mapping i.e. livelihood mapping, social mapping, institutional mapping and stakeholder mapping.
This involves:
- Interaction with the key stakeholders
- Reconnaissance visits - field observations and meetings with key personnel like the Sarpanch, Block Development Officer (BDO) and Gram Sevak etc.
- Community Meetings (Cluster/Village/Gram Panchayat)
- Situational Assessment - Secondary Data and Participatory Rural Appraisal tools used to elicit community realities and perceptions
Social Impact Assessment
- Consultative meetings with all the stakeholders on the R&R package
- Participatory Social Impact Assessment
- Social Impact Assessment study for generating quantitative information
- Participatory Social Impact Assessment Study for gathering qualitative data
Feedback Foundation completely handles this critical aspect, thus liberating management bandwidth for the client to focus resources on other tasks of project development. Feedback Foundation’s approach allows the client to dovetail relevant programs into its CSR agenda, thereby increasing its corporate social equity. With the Foundation leading this critical process, the clients will not be directly involved in day-to-day work which helps minimize chances of negative publicity.
Triggering behavioural change
- Assessment and identification of ‘Trigger Tools’
- Planning of community engagement activities - ODF Drive and strengthening of Self Help Groups (SHGs) etc.
- Communications Needs Assessments - all stakeholders’ culture, habits and perceptions
- Identification of Confidence Building Measures (CBMs)
- Community mobilization and triggering – identification of natural leaders
- Strengthening institutions such as SHGs and other Community-Based Organizations including bank linkage
- Formation of an R&R Committee to act as a nodal facilitating agency for the affected people.
- Implementation of CBMs
- Identification of trainings and capacity building needs
- Communication roll-out
- Preparation of R&R Plan and roll-out plan
- Implementation support

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