In response to the pressing environmental issue of plastic pollution, an awareness campaign titled “Say No to Plastic” was conducted in Ward-9 at Ranmal Laakhota Lake in Jamnagar, on the 12th and 13th of April 2024 as a part of the Swachh Jamnagar initiative.

This campaign aimed to raise awareness about the detrimental effects of plastic on the environment, encourage the community to adopt more sustainable practices, and inform the community about the ongoing SwachhJamnagar campaign. Through a series of engaging activities and educational conversations, the campaign sought to instil a sense of responsibility towards preserving the ecological integrity of the lake and the city’s surrounding areas.The two-day plastic awareness campaign received exclusive support from various entities, including Jamnagar Municipal Corporation (JMC), ward officials, Naira Energy, SDG Trust, government and private institutions, government agencies, NGOs, local businesses, schools, RWAs, and community members.

The campaign also received valuable support from the JMC reflecting a collaborative effort to address environmental concerns and promote cleanliness in the city. Through this campaign, we were able to, raise awareness about the adverse effects of plastic pollution on the environment and public health.

  • Encourage behavioural change by promoting alternatives to single-use plastics.
  • Mobilize community participation in using plastic alternatives like cloth, plant leaves, paper products etc., as well as in waste management initiatives.
  • Foster a sense of stewardship towards Jamnagar city, RanmalLaakhota Lake and its surrounding ecosystem.
  • Plastic awareness campaign serves as a powerful tool to amplify the message of the ongoing swachh Jamnagar campaign, reaching a wider audience.
  • Through an awareness campaign and impactful conversation, the plastic awareness campaign seeks to inspire people to take responsibility for their surroundings and educate them about proper waste disposal methods